
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Huston We Have A Problem

A computer crash at Monsterosity headquarters has caused company wide panic and havoc this week. In an article only a few weeks ago Monsterositys president spoke of their plans for upgrading their technology and equipment, it seems they left it to late.

In a press conference this morning Monsterosity President and CEO of Custom Empire said that with his Flight to Australia only two weeks away this disaster couldn't have happened at a worse time and the prospects of recovery and being safely up and running any time soon doesn't look good. He went on to say that this has also had a devastating effect on Custom Empire the parent company... thusly impacting the Custom Empire blog.

"I'm here to let you know that we have retreated to regroup and work out our next strategy the company president said with a brave hand raised in reassurance, "so that we can come back in force next year, I will of course do everything in my power to get everything back up ASAP" He said.

At this point it is believed the crash was caused by sabotage possibly by someone in within the Monsterosity organization.

"We have our suspicions but no hard and fast proof as of yet" the company president said.
The photo above was taken by the company security cameras at the time of the incident. If you look closely you can see a suspicious looking person in the back ground, "unfortunately the photo is not clear enough for us to identify who this person is".

"If you know this person or have any information regarding the heinous act of sabotage please come forward. Your help is greatly appreciated". the company president said.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

El Diablo Toy Box

This is a quick vid on the packaging/ box of the vinyl toy El Dioblo... I think its a cool vid i regards to hat goes into making a vinyl toy and all the extra bits as well. This is a follow up on the making of El Diablo.


Have a wicked day!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Design Festa Vol 32. Nijisuke

The next artist in our DF series is Nijisuke. This guys painting were fantastic. Unfortunately I went to Design Festa with a very tight budget and set plans for said budget so I wasn’t able to buy from this talented guy... something i still regret. But not to worry, cos, we have all his contact details. I cant stress enough how cool these painting really were, they were full of great vibrant colour as well as texture and pattern... the photos really don’t do them justice. On top of being a great artist he was a super cool dude. In fact if you a look at my photos and or his blog, and you find something you like, love, cant live without, send me an email an I’ll do what I can to help, you know with the Japanese and stuff like that.... that’s how much I liked this guy and his art.

Anyway you can check out more of his art at the link below its a japanese blog but dont worry just go down the left side to the menu list and start clicking around... 


Thanks for reading guys, have a kick ass awesome day!!!

Stay tuned for more great artists from DF coming soon to a Monsterosity blog near you

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

How to Paint Oxidized Metal Effect


Oxidized or rusted paint effects are very big with some toy customizing artists like Sket 1 as well as Chris Rose and Southern Drawl.

There are many different ways these effects can be achieved and this video shows you just one way... at some point in the future I hope to get a few tutorials of this kind of paint work on vinyl toys but for now here is one I found on YouTube... enjoy!

Ps: if you try this out on vinyl let us know, tell us what you think and how it went.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Design Festa Vol. 32

So a couple weeks ago I said Id get back to you lovely folks about my time at design festa... unfortunately I have ad the flu so haven’t been doing much more than laying around feeling pathetically sorry for myself... looking like a bad cold and flu commercial. Feel free to have a chuckle I think its funny myself.

Any who I also did a lot of thinking on how I wanted to deliver the info I collected from the super cool artists at DF and decided that the best thing for me to do was to break it up into sections (artists) so you folks would have the time to pop on over to their various websites and also so I didn’t have to write a great big huge long post... everybody wins; love that!

The other thing I need to tell ya is that Im not gonna give you a generalized rundown of DF so if you would like that kinda info I think the best blog to pop on over to is Kaiju Korna. Andy has a great blog with a great run down on DF as well as being totally on top of things as far as toy events and stuff happening in Tokyo.

So with out any further babble here’s the beginning of a long list of Cool artists I met at DF VOL 32.

Ok so I told you a little lie I didnt actually get to meet the artist behind this display because they werent there when i was but it was a cool display with a custom Munny and some very coll resin cast toys. The have a great website and a lot of it is in English. You can check them out here...

Twitter- vista_lab

Custom Munny  very cool!

Have a great day pepole and stay tuned for more artists from DF VOL 32.

Thank for stopping by!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

MoMA Kidrobot - Devil Robots's painting Munny

Here’s a cool video of a live painting session here in Japan its an old vid but still worth a watch... artists in action always good viewing...


Check out more DevilRobots stuff here...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

CustomEmpire: Choose your weapon

I wrote this on my other blog Custom Empire a few weeks ago... its about the choosing some of the weapons you will need when embarking on your first toy customizing adventures... thought Id link it here for anyone who might be getting into the custom vinyl world... enjoy!

CustomEmpire: Choose your weapon: "It’s amazing when you first realize you are destined to be the all mighty god of creation, with the power to create the creatures in your e..."

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Design Festa Vol.32

This weekend was a special weekend here in Tokyo for any and all who might be arty types or friends there of because this weekend was Design Festa weekend.... and it was Totally Awesome!!!!

However as it is 11pm here and I spent the whole day today padding around the masive Tokyo Bigsite talking to funky arty people and taking photos like a crazy tourist, after staying up half the night with the Toy Break crew on there 24 hour telethon thingy (which I also need to give you a run down on)........I’m shagged (the tired kind, if you’re Australian and reading that word differently). So I will be back later this week with more info for your pretty eyes to gobble up as well as photos and a heap of cool websites of amazing Japanese artists, a rad comic illustrator and some wicked toy designers… Yay!!!

So stay tuned folks...

Have a great start to the week... go kick some ass and enjoy!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

ヨーコ・マルシェ オープン

Back home safe and sound in Aomori, Ninniqun is already making top level connections, by meeting the Mayor of Aomori as well as making his first, of what im sure will be many public appearances.

See more ninniku stuff here

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Ninniquns first little  You'll never guess whos inisde...???

See more ninniku stuff here

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monster Kolor presents IN LIVING KOLOR

Hey Found this awesome video interview by Design Festa Galleries of the In Living Kolor guys, Matt Walker and Mark Nagata.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

アダムの誕生日 (だけどニンニキュンの制作中)

As I mentioned in the last Ninniku update the day I did most of the work on Ninniqun was my birthday or at least the day organized to be my birthday celebration but due to being so busy I needed to cancel the BBQ we were going to have at my place so I could continue working and finish Ninniqun on time... this day was also special (possibly more so) because it marks the second anniversary of my decision to quit my Job in Australia as the senior costume cutter of the South Australian Theatre Company and set out on my own adventure, a decision which at times has been much more difficult to live than it was to make
So when I saw this little bit of video on the Ninniku blog I really wanted to share it here too…

Although canceled, my new found friends here in Japan as well as some people I have known for a long time and are very dear to my heart, rocked on over to my house anyway, and they didn’t just visit they brought presents, food, cake and fun.

I have to tell you that while I was working my butt off and even though I was tired as and high on glue fumes (you can see the garlic skin fabric in my lap) these people gave me one of the best birthdays I have ever had, I truly felt special and it made me feel that my life here in Japan although tough sometimes will work out after all.

So once again a great big giant thank you to you special people, you know who you are...

Thank You!!!

Ninniku Update

Hey hey, so as I mentioned in the last post I have finished the giant garlic, Ninniqun, and he went off to his home in Aomori on the 19th.

Anyway because I have been so crazy busy I haven’t been able to keep you up dated, however as there is a typhoon today I have no distractions and no excuse not to sit here at my coputer and catch you up on all the Ninniku(garlic) happenings of the last month as well as some progress photos. As with all the other posts on Ninniqun, you can of course head on over to the Ninniku blog to check it out in Japanese.

First up here are some photos of Ninniqun with half the foam on...

The following photos are from the Ninniku blog as I got more busy the documentation of the project on my behalf went out the window...

Full foam
I drew up the eyes so Aya could see what it would look like

On Japanese TV... yes, thats right I'm a star in my own living room...hehehe

Sewing the garlic skin in my tiny work room

Putting the skin on, checking the fit

Working out the face, we dide this before the skin was finished because Aya and Yu were at my house. Once we marked the face possition the skin came off again too finnish sewing it.
I was also lucky to have a faithful assistant handing me pins...

Aya and Yu work out the mouth position...

Working on the inside

Every one needs giant oversized boots... looks like blue is the colour of the day too.

Alive and well in Aomori with friends and family

The day most of these photos were taken and the day the biggest part of this project was done, was originally organised for my birthday BBQ. However I was sobusy that i needed to cancle the BBQ. All my mates came over anyway and it turned into a grat day of working and  fun.... So a great big thank you to all my palls here in Japan for coming over, keeping me company, and helping me out... you guys rock!

In Living Kolor

Last weekend I was super excited because not only did I get Ninnikun, the giant garlic finished (the reason I haven’t been able to post lately, at least, that’s my excuse and im sticking to it) for the Aomori festival but also because having finished that project I was free to go to the In Living Kolor show in Harajuku, Tokyo. This turned out to be the best and most awesomest weekend of all.

The show was held at the Design Festa galleries in Harajuku Tokyo and was a two part show held on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th of this month.

In Living Kolor, was the collaboration show of Matt Walker the creator of Monster Kolor a paint he has developed for custom toy pant work (released not so long ago), the dude behind Dead presidents Designs (his own personal art work) and also the dude behind Presidential Coatings (a custom production toy painting company) and Mark Nagata an awesome illustrator, artist, toy designer and the owner of Max Toy company...

As these two guys have so much going on I will pull together a more detailed post on them individually in the coming weeks... thanks guys for giving me such great blog content!!!

The focus of In Living Kolor was the Japan release of Dead Presidents line of toy paints called Monster Kolor.
As mentioned the show was divided into two parts, on the Saturday there was a live participation painting day where artists and well any body else could go and give the Monster Kolor paints a test drive, unfortunately I wasn’t able to get there till later in the day so I don’t have many photos of cool people in action but I did meet a cool dude, Andy who runs the KaijuKorner blog so pop on over there later and check out his coverage of the day (lots of action shots).

I will also shamefully admit to you peeps (cos I know you wont hold it against me… will you?!) that although I was invited to play I was annoyingly to shy to pick up the air brush and give it a go…. But next time I will, I promise!!! No really I do!

Kaiju Painted with Monster Kolor

Shiny and sparkly!

Monster Kolor Clear

Live Monster Kolor painting

 fave Kaiju

The second day was an open class given by Matt Walker on the art of Pin Striping and thankfully, I sucked it up and gave it a go. To my surprise and although terribly fearful of making a complete fool of myself, this was a lot fun… in fact it is an activity that takes time and patients and I really get into things like that. Again this is something I want to give you more information on so I wont dribble on to much about it here. I will say though that actually doing this is really hard, it looks a pinch when the master Matt Walker does it but once you give it a go you really developed a new appreciation for the art…. Stay tuned for more on this topic in the coming weeks.

The Master at work

Students at work

The practice sheet

To finish up I really have to tell you this was a not only a great show but also a great experience, and not what I was expecting. While this was the first time Id met both Matt and Mark, both of them took the time out not only to chat with me about the show but were also interested in what I was up to, as well as super helpful with advice. It was really great to speak with people who were so open and willing to share there information and knowledge about there art and the industry, as a fella that wants to ge involed it was really awesome.

 Matt Walker

Mark Nagata

A big thank you to both Mark and Matt for a great show… we hope to see you again in Japan in the near future!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

E47 Art


There is nothing better to me than to be poking around on the internet and stumbling upon something mind blowingly cool, and that’s exactly what happened to me tonight. I stumbled across this blog, saw these really cool toys and straight away I wanted to blog about them. I started clicking and reading, I was looking for who the toys were made by thinking they were some kind of production toys... I didn’t have to read very far to have my mind completely blown... Seriously I had a complete mind explosion... E47 Art makes this awesome robot figures himself and not only that wait for it, he makes them out of stuff like Christmas ornaments, plastic tube and plastic bottles. How fucking awesome is that!!! I mean to customize a shape is one thing but to build a toys this good from nothin is pure awesomeness. As for the paint work what can I say... really it speaks for itself dont you think.. Seriously sharp!

So I'm not only here to tell you to go have a look but I also want you to do me a favor, pop over to his blog and click follow the reason I want you to do this is because I think this dude should be making more of his cool awesome art toys. To help that happen we need to show our support, and if your a super cool person you will leave a comment, lets face its not hard to tell the dude how cool his pieces are.. So be a cool person and support this dude!

On the topic of customizing E47 really shows us that you can use anything and make really cool awesome art. Awesome work E47 Please keep it up and show us more!

Dude! Are you still here? Get you ass over there and leave a comment and dont forget to click follow on his blog!